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Chapter 1. Global Imbalances

PART Ⅰ. Determinants of the current account
Chapter 2. Current account sustainability
Chapter 3. An intertemporal theory of the current account
Chapter 4. Terms of trade, the world interest rate, tariffs, and the current account
Chapter 5. Current account determination in a production economy
Chapter 6. Uncertainty and the current account
Chapter 7. Large open economies
Chapter 8. The twin deficits : Deficits and the current account

PART Ⅱ. The real exchange rate
Chapter 9. The real exchange rate and purchasing power parity
Chapter 10. Determinants of the real exchange rate

PART Ⅲ. International capital mobility
Chapter 11. International capital market integration
Chapter 12. Capital controls

PART Ⅳ. Monetary policy and exchange rates
Chapter 13. Nominal rigidity, exchange rate policy, and unemployment
Chapter 14. Managing currency peges
Chapter 15. Inflationary finance and balance of payments crises
