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Introduction, by Craig Calhoun and Benjamin Y. Fong

Part I: The New Deal and the Green New Deal
1. From the New Deal to the Green New Deal, by Richard A. Walker
2. From Romance to Utilitarianism: Lessons on Work and Nature from the New Deal, by Hillary Angelo
3. A Green New Deal for Agriculture, by Raj Patel and Jim Goodman

Part II: What Is the Crisis of Work?
4. A Green New Deal for Care: Revaluing the Work of Social and Ecological Reproduction, by Alyssa Battistoni
5. Another World (of Work) Is Possible, by Stephanie Luce
6. Time for Rabble-Rousing: Lessons from the Historic Fight for Reduced Working Hours, by Wilson Sherwin

Part III: Delivering Jobs and Empowering Workers
7. Jobs for All: A Job Guarantee Puts Workers in the Driver’s Seat, by Dustin Guastella
8. Unions and the Green New Deal, by Mindy Isser
9. “Fancy Funeral” or Radical Rebirth? Just Transition and the Future of Work(ers) in the United States, by Todd E. Vachon
10. Overcoming the Tragedy of Growth Machines, by Harvey Molotch

Part IV: Transforming Infrastructure
11. A Green New Deal for Housing, by Daniel Aldana Cohen
12. Low-Carbon, High-Speed: How a Green New Deal Can Transform the Transportation Sector, by J. Mijin Cha and Lara Skinner
13. Redesigning Political Economy: The Promise and Peril of a Green New Deal for Energy, by Clark A. Miller

Part V: The Work of Building a Better Society
14. Community Control and the Climate Crisis: Power, Governance, and Racial Capitalism, by Oluf??mi O. Taiwo
15. Rethinking the Green New Deal: From War to Work, by Harry C. Boyte and Trygve Throntveit
16. How to Create Good Jobs, a Sustainable Environment, and a Durable and Successful Left Political Alliance Through a Green New Deal, by Richard Lachmann
