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Introduction: "The Lost Decade"

1. The Rise of Environmental Regulations under Obama's Environmental Protection Agency

2. The Shale Gs Revolution

3. The Rise of Renewable Energy

4. The "Ds" of Today's Electric Utility Industry: Decarbonization and Decentralization

5. From "Friends of Coal" to the "War on Coal" : How West Virginia Went from Blue to Red

6. "Leadership" from Washington, DC: The Congressional Delegation That Could Have but Didn't

7. Manchin in the Middle

8. The Failure of the Public Service Commission to Serve the Public

9. The Role of the Legislature in West Virginia's Failed Energy Policies

10. Bailing Out the Coal Industry on the Backs of West Virginia's Electric Ratepayers

11. Coal Operators Get Rich and West Virginia Gets to Clean Up the Mess

12. What the Future Could Hold if Leaders Choose to Lead

