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Part I - Introduction to Energy and Electricity
1. Basic Principles, Definitions and Unit Measures
2. Introduction to Electricity: Brief History of the Power Industry

Part II - The Basic Design of Electricity Systems and Markets
3. Electricity Systems and the Electricity Supply Chain
4. The Four Market Designs of the Electricity System
5. Energy Products and the Time Dimension of Electricity Markets
6. Some Principles of Electricity Sector Regulation

Part III Simplified Isolated Markets without Network Congestion
7.Load and Power Generation
8. The Centralized Solution of Optimal Dispatching
9. Welfare Maximization with Time-Varying Load
10. The Market Solution to Optimal Dispatching
11. Balancing Markets

Part IV Competition in Wholesale Electricity Markets
12. Wholesale Market Competition
13. Market Power in Electricity Markets

Part V Introducing Transmission Networks: Network Congestion and Electricity Import-Export
14. Electricity Transmission: Basic Principles
15. Meshed Networks and Congestion
16. Transmission Pricing in Practice
17. From Nodal Prices to Transmission Capacity Expansion
18. Transmission Rights and Price Risk Hedging

Part VI Economics of Electricity Retail Markets
19. Retail Competition: Supplying Electricity to Final Consumers
20. Assessing the Benefits of Retail Competition

Part VII Investing in Power Generation
21. Optimal Investment in Power Generation
22. Energy-Only Markets vs. Markets with Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms
23. Analysis of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms

Part VIII Environmental Challenges and the Future of Electricity Markets
24. Global Warming and the Electricity Markets
25. Renewable Energy Sources and Electricity Production
26. The Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the Electricity System
27. Smart Grids
