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1. Plato and the Invention of Political Science
(Ralph Clark Chandler)
2. Aristotle, MacIntyre, and Virtue Ethics (Thomas Dexter Lynch and
Cynthia E. Lynch)
3. What Jesus Says to Public Administration
(Lance deHaven-Smith)
4. The Hebrew Bible and Public Administration
(Ira Sharkansky)

5. The English Legacy of Public Administration
(Pamela Tarquinio Brannon)
6. Niccolò Machiavelli: Moving through the Future as We Learn from the Past
(Christopher Anne Easley and John W. Swain)
7. Mercantilism and the Future: The Future Lives of an Old Philosophy
(Paul Rich)
8. Jeremy Bentham: On Organizational Theory and Decision Making, Public Policy Analysis, and Administrative Management
(Lawrence L. Martin)
9. John Locke’s Continuing Influence on Organization Theory and Behavior Entering the 21st Century
(Mark F. Griffith)
10. Invisible Hand and Visible Management
(David John Farmer)

11. The Legacy of David Hume for American Public Administration: Empiricism, Skepticism, and Constitutionalism
(Michael W. Spicer)
12. Moral Conscience in Burkean Thought: Implication of Diversity and Tolerance in Public Administration
(Akhlaque Haque)

13. Classical Pragmatism, the American Experiment, and Public Administration
(Robert Brom and Patricia M. Shields)
14. Making Democracy Safe for the World: Public Administration in the Political Thought of Woodrow Wilson
(Brian J. Cook)
15. Enduring Narratives from Progressivism
(Larkin Sims Dudley)
16. The Bureau Movement: Seedbed of Modern Public Administration
(Camilla Stivers)
17. Positively No Proverbs Need Apply: Revisiting the Legacy of Herbert A. Simon
(Peter L. Cruise)
18. Mary Parker Follett: Lost and Found — Again, and Again, and Again
(Mary Ann Feldheim)
19. Administrative Statesman, Philosopher, Explorer: The Life, Landscape, and Legacy of Dwight Waldo
(Charles Garofalo)

20. Modernity, Administrative Evil, and the Contribution of Eric Voegelin
(Gerson Moreno-Riaño)
21. Marshall Dimock’s Deflective Organizational Theory
(James A. Stever)
22. Phenomenology and Public Administration
(William L. Waugh, Jr., and Wesley W. Waugh)
23. The Existentialist Public Administrator
(William L. Waugh, Jr.)
24. John Rawls and Public Administration
(Stephen L. Esquith)

25. From Positivism to Postpositivism: An Unfinished Journey
(Laurent Dobuzinskis)
26. On the Language of Bureaucracy: Postmodernism, Plain English, and Wittgenstein
(Robert P. Watson)
27. Postmodern Philosophy, Postmodernity, and Public Organization Theor
(Charles J. Fox and Hugh T. Miller)

28. Neoliberal Economics, Public Domains, and Organizations: Is There Any Organizational Design after Privatization?
(Alexander Kouzmin and John Dixon)
29. Public Entrepreneurism: A New Paradigm for Public Administration?
(Alan C. Melchior)
30. The Multicratic Organization: A Model for Management of Functional Interdependence
(Richard A. Narad)
31. Virtual Program Evaluation: A Twenty-First Century Approach
(Peter L. Cruise and Thomas D. Lynch)
32. Twenty-First-Century Philosophy and Public Administration: Refocusing the Lens
(Thomas D. Lynch and Cynthia E. Lynch)