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Table of Contents

1. Contract Law
Benjamin Hermalin (Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley)
Avery Katz (Columbia Law School)
Richard Craswell (Stanford Law School)

2. Liability for Accidents
Steven Shavell (Harvard Law School)

3. Property Law
Dean Lueck (Department of Economics, University of Arizona)
Thomas Miceli (Department of Economics, University of Connecticut)

4. Litigation
Kathryn Spier (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University)

5. Empirical Study of the Civil Justice System
Daniel Kessler (Graduate School of Business, Stanford University)
Daniel Rubinfeld (School of Law and Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley)

6. Public Enforcement of Law
A. Mitchell Polinsky (Stanford Law School)
Steven Shavell (Harvard Law School)

7. Empirical Study of Criminal Punishment
Steven Levitt (Department of Economics, University of Chicago)
Thomas Miles (University of Chicago Law School)

8. Environmental Law

Richard Revesz (School of Law, New York University)
Robert Stavins (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)

9. Regulation of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks
W. Kip Viscusi (School of Law & Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University)

10. Taxation
Louis Kaplow (Harvard Law School)

11. International Law
Alan O. Sykes (Stanford Law School)