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Introduction: The Inextricable Link between Energy and the Economy.
Chapter 1: The Beginning.
Chapter 2: The GET.
Chapter 3: The Conception of the GET and How it Works.
Chapter 4: The Rise of the Age of Energy Gases, Decarbonization and Slowing of the GET.
Chapter 5: How the 1970s Misconception of Natural Gas Scarcity Changed America's Energy Mix for Decades.
Chapter 6: Natural Gas - The Bridge Fuel to Our Sustainable Future Natural Gas is Not Oil.
Chapter 7: Natural Gas Abundance.
Chapter 8: My Historical Grounds for Natural Gas Abundance.
Chapter 9: The Real Inconvenient Truth.
Chapter 10: Our Energy and Climate Challenge – Los Angeles.
A Case Study.
Chapter 11: What Won't Work; What Will Work.
Chapter 12: Policies to Accelerate the GET.
Chapter 13: The Age of Energy Gases, America's and China's Opportunity.
Chapter 14: Crisis and Opportunity.
Recommended Reading.
About the Author.