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Part I: Envisioning alternative futures
1. Innovation & disruption at the “grid’s edge”
2. Innovation, disruption and the survival of the fittest
3. The great rebalancing act: Rattling the electricity value chain from behind the meter
4. Beyond community solar: Aggregating local distributed resources for resilience and sustainability
5. Grid vs. distributed solar: What does Australia’s experience say about the competitiveness of distributed energy?
6. Powering the driverless electric car of the future
7. Regulations, barriers and opportunities to the growth of DERs in the Spanish power sector
8. Quintessential innovation for transformation of the power sector

Part II. Enabling future innovations
9. Bringing DERs into the mainstream: Regulations, innovation and disruption at the grid’s edge
10. Public policy issues associated with feed-in-tariffs and net metering:
An Australian perspective
11. We don’t need a new business model: “It ain’t broke and it don’t need fixin”
12. Towards dynamic network tariffs: A proposal for Spain
13. Internet of Things and the economics of microgrids

Part III. Alternative business models
14. Access rights and consumer protection in a distributed energy system
15. The transformation of the German electricity sector and the emergence of new business models in distributed energy systems
16. Peer-to-peer energy matching: Transparency, choice and locational grid pricing
17. Virtual power plants: Bringing the flexibility of decentralized loads and generation to power markets
18. Integrated community-based energy systems: Aligning technology, incentives and regulations
19. Solar grid parity and its impact on the grid
