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List of Notation
List of Tables
List of Illustrations

Part I: Networks, Relations, and Structure
1 Social Network Analysis in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
2 Social Network Data

Part II: Mathematical Representations of Social Networks
3 Notation for Social Network Data
4 Graphs and Matrices

Part III: Structural and Locational Properties
5 Centrality and Prestige
6 Structural Balance and Transitivity
7 Cohesive Subgroups
8 Affiliations and Overlapping Subgroups

Part IV: Roles and Positions
9 Structural Equivalence
10 Blockmodels
11 Relational Algebras
12 Network Positions and Roles

Part V: Dyadic and Triadic Methods
13 Dyads
14 Triads

Part VI: Statistical Dyadic Interaction Models
15 Statistical Analysis of Single Relational Networks
16 Stocbastic Blockmodels and Goodness-of-Fit Indices

Part VII: Epilogue
17 Future Directions

Appendix A Computer Programs
Appendix B Data

Name Index
Subject Index
List of Notation