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Chapter 1 Writing Papers
1. General Principles
2. Notation
3. Definitions
4. Models
5. Theorems and Proofs
6. Use Picture
7. Conclusion

Chapter 2 Giving Talks
1. How Is an Oral Presentatrion Diffrent from
2. Preparing Yourself
3. Facing the Audience
4. Interacting with Audience
5. Transparencies
6. Proofs?
7. Writing on the Board
8. Conclusion
9. References

Chapter 3 Writing Reference Report
1. Components of a Report
2. Distinguish between Nonnegotiable Request and Suggestions for Changes
3. Evaluating Revisions
4. Length and Style of the Report
5. The Cover Letter
6. General Recommendations
7. Deciding Whether to Accept a Refereeing Job
8. Benefits to You of Your Refereeing Work
9. Refereneces