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Session 1 한·러간 에너지·경제 협력의 Vision: 석유, 가스, 석유화학
vision for Korea-Russia Energy Cooperation
Korean-Russia Economic and Energy Cooperation on Far East
A vision of Gas Cooperation between Korea and Russia
The beginning of the Eastern Gas Program
Strategic Cooperation In the Oil Sector

Session 2 한·러간 에너지·경제 협력의 Vision: 석탄, 전력,에너지플랜트
Strategic Coal Deveiopment Cooperation & Biseness Opportunities in Northeast Asia(Russia)
Coal Industry of the Russian Federation and the Perspectives of Cooperation with Republic of Korea
Nuclear Cooperation between Korea and Russia
Reform of the Power Energy Supply from RF to the Republic of Korea
Energy &SOC Projects In Russia

Session 3 동북아 에너지네트워크 연계 절략 및 과제
Energy Security and Cooperation -Network Buliding in Northeast Asia
Korea-Russia Cooperation Strategic ahead toward ROK-DPRK-Russia Energy Network Interconnection
Energy Security Issues from Network Interconnection among Countries