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SessionⅠ Energy Policy and Investment Opportunity

Energy Policy
Economical and political priorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Prospect of Korea-Uzbekistan economic cooperation
Overseas energy development policy of Korea

Investment Opportunity
Investment climate and development of foreign investment in fuel-energy complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Current status and prospect of Korea's investment in Uzbekistan

SessionⅡ Korea-Uzbekistan Energy Cooperation

Oil and Natural Gas
Current status and prospect of Uzbekistan's development in oil and natural gas industry; Probable joint projects in oil and gas refining industries between Uzbekistan and Korea
Current status and prospect of Uzbekistan’s plan on investment in oil and natural gas industries; Proposals for the new Uzbekistan -Korea investment projects in the field of geological exploration and production of oil and gas
Energy Cooperation between Korea and Uzbekistan

Electric Power
Modernizing electric power facilities; suggestion for new investment projects for energy cooperation between Uzbekistan and Korea: Mukhitdinov Muzaffar,Uzbekenergo

Session 3: Round-Table Discussion
Effective Energy Cooperation
Opportunities and visions for Korea-Uzbekistan Effective Energy Cooperation